Sleep & Behavior Changes Made with Tenderness
“People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” – Leo. J. Burke
Teresa4changes sleep and behavior consulting services make gentle and gradual changes in order to achieve the desired outcome. The focus is on the baby or child but will ultimately benefit all who reside in the home.

Our Services
Baby and Child Sleep Consulting
Getting good sleep is crucial, and everyone can get it with our sleep consulting services. It is perfect for families who desire to make gentle and gradual changes to their sleep situation. While focused on the baby or child, the service will ultimately benefit the whole family. This service is ideal for children from birth to age 6 and can even begin prior to birth to get parents off to a good start. Note: A baby will not be expected to sleep beyond what is appropriate for their age, unless they want to, and a pediatrician approves longer sleep. Give your little one and yourself the gift of sleep.
New Parent Support
New parents often feel overwhelmed with the arrival of a baby. Teresa4changes offers the hands-on support a new parent needs. This often helps unite the parents by teaching the same techniques and information to both. With this service parents get hands-on help and education because Teresa comes to the home and teaches the basics of how to care for a baby, from feeding, sleep and general care practices, to how to bathe baby. Whether for one’s own use or given as a gift, this service will help a new parent enjoy baby even more and promote a secure attachment bond between parents and baby.
Developmental and Behavior Support
Making behavior changes and gaining cooperation via a creative, respectful and peaceful route is what this service is all about. This is a highly personalized service and is the ideal service for anyone who wants support and education regarding how best to achieve optimal development for children up to age 6. Parents utilize this service for help with parenting creatively, challenging behaviors, milestones, and other developmental concerns.
Contact us to learn more about how this invaluable service can help make needed changes.
Get a good night's sleep, contact us today!

“Thank you for teaching us how to help our son become a great sleeper. I was finally able to take the good advice you gave months makes all the difference. He slept 15 hours and 20 minutes yesterday.”
Rebecca Shall“Teresa gave us our life back and the ability to finally enjoy being a family of three. She gave us the gift of our son finally being rested. He is like a different child now, so much happier, calmer and content. You cannot put a price on this sort of change!!”
Lauren W."My infant was dependent on many sleep associations. A typical night was hourly wakes, nurse and rock back to sleep. A bad night baby would be latched and held to sleep. Teresa changed all that! After much research we choose to work with Teresa because she was open and respectful to what we were comfortable trying. She was upfront that the process would take time. She developed a custom plan for us. We didn’t find this with other consultants. During the process Teresa was incredibly responsive. She was respectful of our baby’s wellbeing physically and emotionally. She routinely checked in on us too since we were sleep deprived and exhausted. She was there for us when we were frustrated and open to pivoting the approach to work within our physical and mental scope. Our baby now sleeps through the night and the process taught us the tools to successfully manage regressions, illnesses, teething, etc! We are so grateful to have worked with Teresa!"
Joanne L. San Mateo"Teresa has been a life-saver multiple times for our family. Our daughter has turned our nights into a nightmare with very frequent wakings and inconsolable cries. Teresa has been available right-away when we needed her, she gave us very specific instructions that were unique to our situation and our style. And they worked, every single time without exception! When our daughter's sleep lapses due to illness or teething, she was able to get us back to sound sleep with specific instructions unique to those circumstances. I can't imagine life without her. Thank you so much Teresa!"
Baris and Eda G., Palo Alto, CA"Teresa Morris was as warm and as gentle as a sleep consultant should be. She came into a room of seventeen somewhat sleep-deprived preschool parents and gave them hope that they can change their children’s sleep habits. She made a point to answer each parent’s question, and gave clear direction. Teresa provided all of us the confidence we needed to change some bad habits. I also loved the adult and child book recommendations. She had obviously read every page and was able to tell parents which book could help with their specific needs. The children book recommendations were some cute sleepy books to read to our children at night that won’t excite nor scare them right before bedtime. Lastly, she really put all of the parents at ease quickly and easily. I can’t thank her enough for a wonderful workshop, and we plan to have her back soon."
Jennifer White, Parent Education Chair Laurel Hill Co-op Nursery School"Thank you for teaching us how to help our son become a great sleeper. I was finally able to take the good advice you gave months makes all the difference. He slept 15 hours and 20 minutes yesterday."
Rebecca Rapaport Ness L.Ac."I cannot express just how grateful we are to have benefited from Teresa’s amazing knowledge and support. When we contacted Teresa, our 11 month-old daughter was waking up more times in the middle of the night than I could count. Through her work with us, Teresa taught us about sleep, nutrition, ways to address different behavior… and more. She gave us multiple options for every situation and made sure we were comfortable with everything she recommended. Teresa listened and made the truly frustrating moments seem so much less overwhelming and isolating. Without rushing any changes, she helped us to do things in a way that would be least disruptive for our daughter (and so much less stressful/ upsetting for us!). Thanks to Teresa, our daughter is now sleeping through the night! Teresa is artful at what she does and we feel incredibly lucky to have worked with her."
Sasha Z and Dusty C, Petaluma, CA."Teresa- Just dropping a line tell you how smooth everything is going! I attended your "private session" class at NR two weeks ago. We started making the changes right away and it's so nice. We've shortened our bedtime process and moved it earlier. My daughter has taken to the changes very well. We're all much happier! Thanks! I still may drop you an email for some more advice, but for the time being it's not needed."
Elizabeth"Teresa was an invaluable resource to me, my baby, and my family as a whole. My 16 month old girl was waking on average 7 times per night to breast feed. I was experiencing physical and emotional symptoms of sleep deprivation. Teresa stepped into our lives with generosity, grace, clarity, intelligence, confidence and resolve. She had our sleep situation as I had only dreamt that it could be within 2 weeks (my baby now wakes once per evening to breast feed). There was no crying it out-- the method was gentle and effective. Her presence and availability throughout the entire process was so necessary and comforting. I could not have done it on my own and would not have wanted to work with anyone different. She was amazing. She was a Godsend."
Christina Peretz MD, MS - Menlo Park, CA"Teresa's coaching was a game changer for us and our eight-week old, and surprisingly, for our five-year old. Her continued counsel got us through all of the changes in an infant's sleep patterns in that first year. Most amazingly, she helped us turn around our eldest who had been a terrible sleeper from birth. Teresa explained things clearly, she had our trust even though we had massive anxieties, and her continued support gave us the coaching we needed to make adjustments and refinements until night times turned from stressful to delightful. My husband and I have the house to ourselves now after 8pm and we love peeking in on our peacefully sleeping darlings! I would recommend her to absolutely anyone. She's a wealth of experience and wisdom!"
Lily, Rob, Cami and Cassie Baker San Jose, CA."Dear Teresa, I just wanted to let you know we are back home from our trip. I slept like a trooper and my mom and dad are very happy. We followed all of your advice and even if I cried a little the first night, my dad stayed around and reassured me. By naptime the very next day I only cried for a few minutes and the second night I went straight to bed. I am sure having my pajamas from home as well as my crib sheet and my lovey "Mooh" helped a lot. I haven't had nightmares since last time my mom emailed you and overall I have been sleeping very well and I am very thankful to you for reassuring my parents who then could reassure me and help me through this phase. Thank you so much for all your help. I promise we will be in touch. We will keep you posted on how the move back to Europe goes. We all hope it will be smooth and sleepful. Lots of smiles and Happy Holidays :)"
(Baby) Olivia"We turned to Teresa for help with my son and his sleep patterns when he was six months. Thank goodness we did. Initially I thought the goal would be to help us get our little guy to sleep through the night. We did reach that end goal. But we accomplished so much more along the to time naps, how to rely on or wean from the pacifier, how to manage feedings (of solids and milk). Our son found a very rhythmic and easy sleep schedule that involved little to no crying. If there were bumps and I couldn't understand what was going on or why behaviors were changing, Teresa always had a useful insight. My husband and I truly enjoyed working with Teresa. I couldn't imagine not having such an informed resource as I was "learning on the job" as a first time mom."
Lily, Santa Monica, CA"What a relief that we could turn to Teresa for help with getting our six month old to sleep longer and better. I was traveling so much that I was concerned about my wife having to manage on her own. Teresa's guidance helped us find a smooth routine for our son. I am grateful."
Salim I, Los Gatos, CA"Our family has worked with Teresa for almost five years, and she has helped us with all four of our children (yes, four!). When we met Teresa, we had a 20-month old who was waking up on average 10 times a night. The situation was out of control, and we didn’t think we would ever get him sleeping through the night. Teresa was patient, professional, knowledgeable and totally understanding about our dilemma (and the mess we had gotten ourselves into), but she was also assertive and firm, which is what we needed. My husband and I didn’t have the same views about how best to sleep train, and it had become a point of contention between us. Teresa played mediator and coach, and handled our disagreements with grace and humor. The most commonly uttered phrase in our house for a long time was, “Let’s see what Teresa says.” We have learned so much from Teresa over the years and continue to rely on her for her wise counsel, most recently on how to get rid of our middle son’s binky, and sleep training for our twin baby girls. We think the world of her and couldn’t recommend her more highly."
Lin W and Michael F, San Francisco"Thank you so much for all your help! You really are a wonderful instructor. Going to your class was so much better than all the books I have read on sleep!"
Happy Mom in San Francisco"Before we started working with Teresa our 5 month old girl was waking up every hour at night. Going to sleep for every nap and bedtime felt like a battle. I was losing my mind. After 4 months of working with Teresa, Our baby now sleeps from 7 pm - 7 am. She easily settles herself at bedtime and nap time. All of this happened without "Cry It Out", and almost no crying what so ever. I never imagined this was possible. Teresa helped us establish good daytime nap and feeding routines, a nighttime dream feed schedule and transition our baby from our bedroom to her own room. Through charting, phone calls, and emails Teresa intuited when it was time to make changes in our baby's schedule. She seemed to really understand our baby's needs and temperament. For us Teresa's philosophy and methods really struck the right balance between being very gentle yet not letting your baby completely run the show at night. I am so happy we worked with Teresa. I would recommend her to anyone!"
Rebekah G, San Jose, CA."The most stressful parts about being new parents to our daughter Margot was her eating, but even more so, her sleeping. All the recommended books were great for providing us with the 'nuts and bolts' of sleep learning. But without the help of Teresa, I have no idea where we would be at today. Her approach at tackling what felt like a huge project to us, was always well thought out, personal, calm and reassuring. She made us feel confident in everything we were doing. She kept me grounded when I was starting to buckle and doubt my new mothering abilities. She didn't just TELL us what to do, she EDUCATED us, which is something we can use down the road. Along with my mom, hubby, and best friend, she was one of my rocks! It was the best new baby 'purchase' we've made!!"
Dani. Mom to Margot, San Francisco, CA."Teresa has been an amazing help to us. Our son was waking every 45 minutes and would only go to sleep while nursing when we first reached out for help. With Teresa calm, systematic advice, we were able to get him to sleep on his own and in his crib. Teresa's knowledge about all things sleep and baby is encyclopedic. Listen to this woman! She knows her stuff. Teresa helped us see the reality of the kind of sleeper our baby was (won't sleep anywhere but home) versus the ideal we had in our minds (take him anywhere and he'll sleep). We are beyond grateful and continue to consult Teresa anytime a sleep issue crops up."
Diana P. and Julie M., San Mateo, CA"I can't say enough good things about Teresa and her methods. In fact, my husband and I refer to her as Saint Teresa because she saved our marriage and our sanity during a very difficult and sleepless time with our son. Teresa really took the time to get to know our family and to individualize a plan for us. Within a short time our son was sleeping well on his own, and he continues to do so. We sailed through many of the sleep regressions that other friends were struggling with because of Teresa. She is excellent at explaining the reasons for her recommendations which has given me the confidence this second time around, with our baby girl, to practice good sleep habits from the beginning and avoid the sleep crutches that plagued us with our first baby. Our baby girl, at 5 months, is sleeping 8 to 9 hours per night without waking and our 4 year old son continues to be a great sleeper. I credit Teresa with this. We have so much gratitude for her and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to any family that is struggling with sleep."
Whitney Swett, LAc, Petaluma, CA."Teresa was a huge help to our family. I honestly don't know what we would have done without her! I asked her to help me when my daughter was 3 mo old and I had to go back to work. She helped us establish good sleep patterns from the beginning and now my daughter is 2 yrs old and we feel extremely fortunate that she goes to sleep easily and stays asleep allowing us to have precious time together as a couple. It's a game changer! But besides the huge impact of feeling stress-free about sleep, Teresa is an amazing person that I felt so comfortable with and grateful to have in my life. She was like a mom to me in those early months when I didn't know what I was doing with regard to sleep. She does not want to make you do something you are uncomfortable with and has really gentle and common sense ideas that were not intuitive to me. I could not have had a better experience working with her and will forever be grateful for her heartfelt care and guidance with such an important part of early child rearing."
Jennifer A."Teresa gave us our life back and the ability to finally enjoy being a family of three. She gave us the gift of our son finally being rested. He is like a different child now, so much happier, calmer and content. You cannot put a price on this sort of change!!"
Lauren W."I cannot thank you enough and am going to recommend your sleep class to every mom I can. It helped me find the corner that I think we have just turned.Thank you thank you thank you again."
Aloha, Bonnie